​Yes, but it's free like a puppy, not free like a beer.
You might never pay for your user licenses if you are a small organization. But you’re going to need to hire someone with expertise to develop and run your system and you’d do well to explore some related tools that integrate with Salesforce. That’s still a pretty good deal!
The purpose of this blog is to help nonprofits and educational organizations (and other organizations using Salesforce) get the most out of their investment. Lots of what I write will apply to for-profit Salesforce instances as well, but getting the most of Salesforce for nonprofits is my focus.
Michael Kolodner
I'm a declarative Salesforce engineer and always excited to learn more about the platform.
I love to help nonprofits use technology and data to work efficiently, solve problems, and make the world a better place.
In 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, and again in 2022 I was recognized by Salesforce as a Salesforce MVP for sharing my knowledge, leadership, and creativity.
I also hold ten Salesforce certifications.